Thursday, April 14, 2016

Artsy Thursday! ♡

It's Artsy Thursday #msbthestoryteller likes it! #NAEYC #WOYC   Hey Teach! Do you know how valuable art is in your classroom? Did you know that children develop creativity, social skills,problem-solving skills,small motor skills and more with open-ended art??!! Sounds like it's safe to eliminate all of those dentical twin craft items in your classroom. Is it 'just my imagination', or should we allow children to use a variety of safe materials to create whatever they like?! Teachers and Parents are invited to share their child's Artsy photos with everyone!  #woyc16

1 comment:

  1. "Zero creativity is equivalent to zero existence! I believe we all have the ability to create art in our own fashion." #msbthestoryteller #bookbagsforliteracy #onemillionchildrenreadingcampaign #see #art
