Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Where Do We Go From Here


Where Do We Go From Here?

After I have walked in circles for more than a day,
I finally gather up the nerves to say, "ENOUGH!",
Where - Do - We - Go - From - Here?

First, there is silence,
Then, there is a familiar sound,

My instincts kick in and I no longer
feel down.

I gather my thoughts on paper then make a very long list.

I look in the mirror, smile, and then shout,
"Yep! We've got this!"

Where do we go from here?
"We Go Up!"

Copyright Beverly F. Jones 2020
May 27, 2020 / 5:22pm

This download and other illustrated stories may be found
in our bookstore at

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

[Read Time: 15 seconds]

Perseverance is defined as persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. After #Covid19 , our WORLD history books will show that we've suffered the loss of many precious lives. It will also show how working people, the face and backbone of the world, were on the brink of economic ruin, while others hid behind prosperity and chess moves via media. Do not despair, dear reader, for it shall be written in life's history book how we've supported each other in ways that are more precious than silver, gold, or anything that vanity can give. It will tell how our bonds are stronger because we were like trees, grounded, connected together by roots of LOVE." Rise. Shine. Enjoy each moment. We are more than conquerors! NEVER GIVE UP!
#BeverlyFJones, Think About It Thursday

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Every Child Needs A Champion

Every kid needs a champion. Is that champion you? What can we as individuals do to inspire those who are just beginning their journey? What can we do to enhance our journey as we continue to make our way through life? Whatever you decide, remember to try something! Trying one positive thing is better than doing nothing at all. This Thursday, and every day of the week, I encourage you to think of how much MORE life could be for you and others if we give each day an honest try.  With this being said, I encourage you to listen to the video (story) that this wonderful educator shared during her talk with people from all over the world.

Happy reading to each of you!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Confessions of A Storytelling Teacher

Can you remember the name of the craziest teacher you've ever had? I can! Now, I am one of those teachers; except we call them COOL TEACHER's these days. (LOL!) Stay tuned for CONFESSIONS OF A STORYTELLING TEACHER by Beverly F. Jones,Author / Early Childhood Educator. This is a compilation of brief stories that we will all understand. Coming soon to: ! #thefunreadingclub #msbthestoryteller #reasonstoread #teachers

Happy reading to (each of) you!

And So Much More

Hi Everyone!

It's me, Ms.B, The Storyteller!

I woke up excited enough to type this post and update some other posts to help you understand what's been going on in my business, life and legacy lately. In short, I have been learning more of what I need to know in order to help my dream of serving others come alive.

Really! That's what I have been doing. Think about it... working for yourself and others takes a lot out of you. This is why Saturdays are important to me. My goal during the week is to save, serve and survive long enough to see Self Love Saturday and Say It Again Sunday.

I am cracking up with laughter over here! I mainly laugh when I am tickled by my own words. (LoL!) Seriously, I opened an online bookstore back in 2019 and offered a few authors the opportunity to post their books as pilots, and they accepted. Now, I am offering this opportunity to others; like you! You see... our club is for EVERYONE! The writers at The Fun Reading Club write professionally and strictly for FUN!

In our world of fun reading, there is no big and small, professional and unprofessional. In our world, there is only FUN reading! The source will be recognized as our writing hero as long as we can imagine ourselves going on a literary adventure as we read!

Well, I have to get ready for my teaching job. But, not before I say, "The Fun Reading Club is a program [ ] that exists at Jones Educational Consulting,LLC.

We'll get into all of that later. Right now, I want you to take these last seconds to tell you to browse our recently updated website at: to discover all of the NEW THINGS that we have to offer! If you feel SUPPORTY, buy my book, THE SILVER LINING, written and illustrated by Beverly F. Jones (humble wink). Thank you in advance!

Happy reading to (each of) you!


Beverly F. Jones, Author
Ms.B, The Storyteller, Character (LOL!)

Ms.B, The Storyteller's Blog: Been LOOKING for You for a While

Ms.B, The Storyteller's Blog: Been LOOKING for You for a While: Find Nemo is Good. Now Find Ms.B because... It's been a while since I've updated this page. I've opened a bookstore at