Tuesday, March 27, 2018


What did Beyoncé say? Oh yeah, "Girls...world!" Join us for #readerrockathon (Literacy event)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

On The Road Again! Springfest 2018

Hi Everybody! It's me, Ms.B,The Storyteller, back on the road again! 
Springfest 2018 was very successful. Commissioner Deborah Plako 
did a wonderful job reading "Shantelle,You Smell" by Shantelle Moxie.
She looked so beautiful in her relaxed jean attire. Visit Instagram 
@storytime_jones to see photos, and video clips that reveal
what Ms.B experienced during this event. #ReaderRockaThon2018
is officially underway. Visit FamilyCentral.Org , events to find out where 
#msbthestoryteller will appear next! Remember to share the news,
to avoid missing out and having the story time blues. Keep your 
eyes on Instagram @thefunreadingclub and Facebook:BevJones , 
you never know what might happen next! [See:QuietRoombybfjones] .

Enjoy the rest of your day. Happy reading to you!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Ms.B, The Storyteller's Blog: Are you a #GameChanger ?

Ms.B, The Storyteller's Blog: Are you a #GameChanger ?: Are you a Go Getter? Have you ever been said to be a #GameChanger ? Have you ever heard of The Marshmallow Experiment??? Google it #forthelo...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Are you a #GameChanger ?

Are you a Go Getter? Have you ever been said to be a #GameChanger ? Have you ever heard of The Marshmallow Experiment??? Google it #fortheloveofreading ! PS, Let me know the answer to these questions, you may be rewarded ;) Check out Facebook:BevJones every Saturday morning at 9:30 EST for a live #SelfLoveSaturday show filled with Go Getters and Game Changers from all walks of life! #msbthestoryteller