adore? Who can resist the smile of their child? Let me ask that question another way, "Who can resist the smile of their youngest child? No one!
Think back to when your child was one day old. Think of your greatest moments with him or her. Think of your greatest fears? Were you concerned about what he or she will wear tomorrow? Probably not. Most people cherished the moment. The first fear was probably the fear of going to work and sending your child to an alternate caregiver, right? Let me ask you a few questions...Do you believe that there are great preschools and preschool teachers out there? Have you ever enrolled your child into a Childcare facility? If you have used the Childcare system, do you remember the name of your child's preschool teacher? If you do, does that mean the teacher was fantastic? Let's think about who could qualify to be a "Fantastic Preschool Teacher". After reading the list below, please share your thoughts!
Could great Preschool teachers be those who:
-greet you with pleasantries
Could great Preschool teachers be those who:
-greet you with pleasantries
-write you daily / weekly notes
-pass state mandated courses
-pass state mandated courses
-take In-service classes annually
-respect young children
-respect young children
-show peers and clients respect
-use positive options when guiding
-teaches children to solve problems
-write age-appropriate lesson plans
-implement age-appropriate lessons
-write age-appropriate lesson plans
-implement age-appropriate lessons
while recognizing teachable moments
-are nurturing everyday
-are sensitive to young children's emotional needs
-sing transition songs
-speak to children at their eye level
What do you think makes a great Teacher?
-are sensitive to young children's emotional needs
-sing transition songs
-speak to children at their eye level
What do you think makes a great Teacher?
Beverly F. Jones