Tuesday, April 21, 2020

[Read Time: 15 seconds]

Perseverance is defined as persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. After #Covid19 , our WORLD history books will show that we've suffered the loss of many precious lives. It will also show how working people, the face and backbone of the world, were on the brink of economic ruin, while others hid behind prosperity and chess moves via media. Do not despair, dear reader, for it shall be written in life's history book how we've supported each other in ways that are more precious than silver, gold, or anything that vanity can give. It will tell how our bonds are stronger because we were like trees, grounded, connected together by roots of LOVE." Rise. Shine. Enjoy each moment. We are more than conquerors! NEVER GIVE UP!

www.thefunreadingclub.online, Think About It Thursday