Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall into Learning!

Fall is a time of change in nature, but so is Winter, Spring and Summer!

Fall is a time for observation, but so is Winter, Spring and Summer!

Fall is a time for investigation, but so is Winter, Spring and Summer!

Fall is a time for TEACHING!  Ok, you know what comes next...
so is Winter, Spring and Summer!

Children can learn the meaning of pigmentation and watch as the process 
takes place.  

They can be re-introduced to primary colors, and identify the secondary colors
found nature! 

Children can learn ways to help save the earth, and try the things that grown-ups
do daily to help eliminate waste.

Fall is a wonderful time to explore animals, their behavior and their habitats.  
Children can be introduced to Venn Diagrams to show how we are like and
different from animals.

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall are also perfect seasons for snuggling and giving

                                  My Recycled Learning Tree!

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