My iPad charger...under the props in my storage 'truck'. What else is plain view? #notsolostandfound #loaded #ready #msbthestoryteller

Ms.B, The Storyteller advocates for young children and supports literacy in early learning settings, and homes around the world. Visit to request a visit from Ms.B, The Storyteller, our Early Ed. Program Director. Visit the ONE MILLION CHILDREN READING CAMPAIGN and Bev Jones on Facebook.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Not So Lost and Found!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Set Goals...Stop the Abuse!
Set Goals...Stop the Abuse!
Life is all about showing up to assist those who can't assist themselves. We need each other in this circle of life. If you are asking, "What is she talking about now?", I'll tell you. Be willing to stand up for the rights of our children whose freedom is randomly taken away as they strive to grow from birth to meet their future. Some children, because of predators, never discover the dream that parents often set in mind for their youth. The right to be a child, and do childish things, the right to feel safe in the presence of others, the right to express themselves age-appropriately without the fear of abuse is desperately needed as a child learns trust versus mistrust.
These are rights that every child should experience. Stand up and be a voice of reason. Set Goals...Develop Limits...STOP ABUSE!!! If you can't physically intervene, contact someone who can. #childabusehotline #msbthestoryteller #save #help #heal #onemillionchildrenreadingcampaign
These are rights that every child should experience. Stand up and be a voice of reason. Set Goals...Develop Limits...STOP ABUSE!!! If you can't physically intervene, contact someone who can. #childabusehotline #msbthestoryteller #save #help #heal #onemillionchildrenreadingcampaign

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Tuesday Morning 5 AM...
"May our love and compassion be endless for our youth. Let's do whatever we can to inspire them to reach their full potential. Life is given momentarily; our legacy is all that lives on. Hope. Pray.Teach. Love."

Saturday, April 23, 2016
In State Journey!
Ms.B,The Storyteller will visit Churches of Christ all over South Florida in an effort to service additional children with stories that teach morals and values that parents appreciate! Wish me all the best! #msbthestoryteller #onemillionchildrenreadingcampaign

Friday, April 15, 2016
Family Fun Friday!
Happy Family Fun Friday to you! Will you make fun freezer pops or go to the zoo?
Tell me, what will you say? What exactly will you and your Fun Family do today?
Families are fun. Families care. Share your family fun if you dare!

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Ms.B, The Storyteller's Blog: Artsy Thursday! ♡

Artsy Thursday! ♡
It's Artsy Thursday #msbthestoryteller likes it! #NAEYC #WOYC
Hey Teach! Do you know how valuable art is in your classroom? Did you know that children develop creativity, social skills,problem-solving skills,small motor skills and more with open-ended art??!! Sounds like it's safe to eliminate all of those dentical twin craft items in your classroom.
Is it 'just my imagination', or should we allow children to use a variety of safe materials to create whatever they like?!
Teachers and Parents are invited to share their child's Artsy photos with everyone! #woyc16

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
#WOYC It's Work Together Wednesday!
Work Together Wednesday!
I just want to share the fact that I love this!
This also defines what I believe as an Education Director and Storyteller! #msbthestoryteller
Work together, build together, learn together
"When children build together they explore math and science concepts and develop their social and early literacy skills." #WOYC #NAEYC

Monday, April 11, 2016
It's Taco Tuesday!
#WOYC It's Week of the Young Child! Yesterday was Music Monday, today is Taco Tuesday!
Read Tacos by Mark Miller ♡

10 Ways Babies Learn When We Sing To Them!

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Look What's New!
This Ladybug Storyteller has an Activity Book!
This is activity book number one. There is more to come! Don't forget to contact us at to find out how to book your ladybug experience. Once you participate in a ladybug activity, you'll see why she's one of the best beetles in the garden!

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